defining a new era, tekst på bakgrunn av et hav i bevegelse og lys gråblå himmel

The Norwegian Shipowners' Association's Annual conference 2024

Thursday 14th March 2024 // Sentralen, Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo

  • 14. mars 2024
  • Sentralen, Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo

We live in a rapidly changing world. Geopolitical tensions and wars prompt industries to adapt to abrupt and dramatic changes, trade restrictions and international regulations. AI technology changes the way we work and increases productivity, but also blurs the line between man and machine. At the same time, we are in the middle of a green shift, imperative to combat the escalating environmental crisis, but also adding to the complexity of the supply chain. These combined forces will drive industry transformation in the coming years. 

At this year’s conference we will take a closer look at how geopolitical tensions, AI development and climate change mitigation, will define the future and we will explore the important role the shipping industry can play in this new era.

Attendance is by invitation only. 


  • 11:00

    Doors open

    Join your maritime colleagues and associates in a pre-conference lunch before it all kicks off.

  • 12:00


    Opening words by Synnøve Seglem, President of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association and Deputy Managing Director, Knutsen Group.

    The conference will be moderated by Susannah Streeter, Broadcaster and Financial Commentator.

  • Geopolitics – A New Era - Gerald M. Butts

    The keynote is followed by a panel.

    Panelists: Gerald M. Butts, Ine Eriksen Søreide and Harald Solberg. 

  • AI: «The good, the bad and the ugly” - Carl Miller

  • 20 minute break

  • 13:35

    Norwegian Maritime Policy

    Introduction by Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Cecilie Myrseth

    Followd by a panel moderated by Harald Solberg. Panelists: Cecilie Myrseth, Linda Hofstad Helleland and Sivert Bjørnstad. 

    This session will be held in Norwegian, simultaneous translation will be available. 

  • New Era Changemakers - Mohammed Zahirul Islam

  • Defining a new era by looking back at an old era - Erika Fatland

Susannah Streeter

Susannah Streeter moderates the annual conference. She has been a reporter and news anchor at the BBC for over 20 years. Streeter has extensive knowledge of financial markets and has been used as a moderator at several large international conferences on climate and economics.

Moderator Susannah Streeter på scenen i rosa overdel.

Moderator Susannah Streeter. Photo: Kilian Munch 

Synnøve Seglem

Synnøve Seglem, President of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association and Deputy Managing Director, Knutsen Group will give the openingen adress. 

portrait of Synnøve Seglem with a dark background

Harald Solberg

Harald Solberg, CEO of The Norwegian Shipowners' Association will be moderating the session on Norwegian maritime policy. 

Portrait of a smiling Harald Solberg against a brown backdrop

Gerald M. Butts

Gerald Michael Butts is vice chairman and a senior advisor at Eurasia Group. With experience on a multitude of public policy and geopolitical issues, he has developed deep expertise on climate change, trade, energy, sustainable finance, and artificial intelligence and advises Eurasia Group clients across these areas. Butts has successfully led Canadian and global organizations in the public and private sectors for 20 years. As the principal secretary to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from 2015–2019, Butts was responsible for providing executive direction on the development, implementation, and communication of the government's agenda. 

portrett av carl miller i svart/hvitt, med en svart genser på, foran et vann

Carl Miller

Carl Miller takes part in Chatham House's Taskforce on responsible AI. Miller is a pioneering digital researcher and the co-founder of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos, an independent research organization dedicated to studying the virtual realm. Additionally he serves as a visiting professor and research fellow at King’s College London. 

portrettbilde av Carl miller med genser og skjorte på. Foran en steinmur, med et tre i bakgrunnen

Espen Barth Eide

Espen Barth Eide became Minister of Foreign Affairs on 16 October 2023. From 14. October 2021 he was Minister of Climate and Environment. He is elected to the Norwegian Parliament as a representative from Oslo. Previously, he was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence in Jens Stoltenberg's Second Government.

Portrett av utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide

Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide. Photo:  Cecilie Stuedal

Ine Eriksen Søreide

Ine Eriksen Søreide is the Chair of the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence in the Norwegian Parliament, where she represents the Conservative Party. She served as Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2017-2021, and Minister of Defence from 2013-2017. She has been elected to Parliament since 2001, Chairing the standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence from 2009-2013. She holds a Law degree from the University of Tromsø, Norway. 

headshot of MP Ine Eriksen Søreide from the conservative party, wearing a white shirt and a black blazer

Cecilie Myrseth

Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Cecilie Myrseth is responsible for the policy on shipping, waterways, maritime and marine research and innovation, coastal and port development, fisheries, seafood and aquaculture.

Portrett av Cecilie Myrseth, fiskeri- og havminister. iført svart topp og hvit jakke

Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy, Cecilie Myrseth Photo:  NFD / David Berg Tvetene

Sivert Bjørnstad

Sivert Bjørnstad is member of Standing Committee on Business and Industry in the Norwegian Parliament, where he represents the Progress Party. Bjørnstad has been a member of parliament since 2013, and has previously served on the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, and the Standing Committee on Education, Research and Church Affairs. 

portrett av sivert bjørnstad i frp med brun-rutete jakke og rødt og svart stripete slips

Linda Hofstad Helleland

Linda Hofstad Helleand is member of the Standing Committee on Business and Industry and the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in the Norwegian Parliament. She represents the Conservative Party. Hofstad Helleland has been a member of parliament since 2001, and has previously served as Minister of Culture (2015-2018), Minister of Children and Equality (2018-2019(, and Minister of Local Government and Modernisation (202-2021). 

Portrett av Linda Hofstad Helleland. stortingsrepresentant fra Høyre kledd i sort

Mohammed Zahirul Islam

Mohammed Zahirul Islam is the Managing Director of  PHP Ship Breaking & Recycling Industries Limited in Bangladesh. Investing $12 million in upgrading the facilities positioned PHP as the first in Bangladesh to achieve Statement of Compliance to the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.  

passfoto av Mohammed Zahirul Islam, leder fro PHP Shipbreaking  & Recycling Industries i Bangladesh

Erika Fatland

Erika Fatland is a celebrated travel writer and social anthropologist. Fatland has spent 50 days on board Höegh Autoliners' ships in research for her upcoming book The Navigator - A Journey through the Lost Empire of the Portuguese. 

Forfatter Erika Fatland med hvit pologenser foran en svart bakgrunn

Erika Fatland. Photo: Tine Poppe