We must invest in offshore wind

More energy will be needed in the future. To meet this need in a sustainable way, investments must be made in offshore wind.

Edda Breeze fra et besøk i Oslo i september 2022.

Først ut: Edda Breeze er det første i en serie av CSOVs (Commisioning Service Operation Vessels). Skipet ble levert i juni 2022, her fra et besøk i Oslo i september 2022. Foto: Bård Gudim

Although several members of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association are already well established in the offshore wind market, it is absolutely essential to develop a domestic market. Industry is eager and impatient to move ahead, but it is positive that the government in the past year has given long-awaited political signals that will allow allocation of licence areas to finally take place. This marks a new chapter in Norwegian offshore wind history. 

Meanwhile, there is no doubt that other countries in Europe have set significantly higher ambitions than Norway. The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association will continue to push for higher ambition levels in Norwegian waters as well, both regarding development capacity and the announcement of new areas for wind power. This will provide better conditions for our members to remain competitive internationally and will facilitate development of the entire value chain within offshore wind. 

There are great opportunities in floating offshore wind, but the technology remains relatively immature. It is therefore important that schemes are established that contribute to reduce risk in the early phase of offshore wind development. The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association supports the government’s proposal for contracts for difference, which will be a key instrument in the establishment phase of floating offshore wind.