The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association’s work in security and contingency planning

The Security and Contingency Planning Department provides support to members and the Norwegian fleet on issues related to maritime security

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This is undertaken in close association with the Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risks Insurance Association (DNK) and the Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber). The first quarter of 2023 will see the establishment of a new Shipping Security and resilience Centre that will bring all three parties under one roof in the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association building in Oslo. 

The Security and Contingency Planning Department supports Norwegian shipping companies in all matters related to preparedness and security, including daily monitoring of the global threat picture and co-operation with relevant national and international stakeholders. 

Crisis management and support

The department also supports shipping companies in crisis management. This covers guidance for crisis managers, operative crisis management and advisory, crisis communications and handling the media, legal support and liaising with national and international authorities.  

In addition, the Norwegian government commissions the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association on an annual basis to provide support to the Norwegian-controlled foreign fleet, including shipping companies that are not members of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association but that have ships sailing under the Norwegian flag.  

The Security and Contingency Department thus acts as an advisory organ for the Norwegian authorities on global maritime security issues.  

The department also functions as the operative arm of the public-private cooperation body known as Nortraship, ensuring that the resources of the Norwegian shipping industry are available to the authorities and our allies in crisis and armed conflict. The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association is part of the total defence fabric and works closely with the relevant ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and agencies including the Norwegian Maritime Authority, the Norwegian Coastal Authority and the Norwegian Police.

An Armed Forces liaison officer is seconded to the department to act as a direct link between the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and The Norwegian Armed Forces at all levels. The Ddepartment also has ongoing contact with international authorities and partner organisations. 

Preventative work 

A large part of the department’s preventative work focuses on understanding the global threat picture. The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association works closely with DNK in this area on the production of intelligence and threat warnings. These are an important part of the department’s daily activity, in combination with own analyses and evaluations by the authorities, ensuring that the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association provides the best possible advice on security and preparedness issues to Norwegian shipping companies.